Detroit Mayor 187s Idea of Robocop Statue

Social media helps get the wrong message to the right people


Detroit is flying high right now. With Eminem as its new ambassador, all eyes are on the Motor City, waiting and hoping for it to rise up, almost from a pile of ashes. To keep this going, mayor Dave Bing has turned to social media to help things stay moving in the right direction—with ideas from the people who elected him. One of Bing's followers suggested the city follow the lead of Philadelphia, which erected a statue of its most famous movie star. Bing quickly replied through twitter:

@MT There are not any plans to erect a statue to Robocop. Thank you for your suggestion.

What?! There's no way this dude's going to get reelected. Feel like giving him a piece of your mind? Follow MayorDaveBing here.


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