Watch This Gospel Performer Successfully Sing His Way Out of a Ticket

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After getting busted and promptly pulled over for driving without a seat belt in the Orlando area, T.J. Bristol quickly hatched a plan: Joe Cocker. "Craziest thing just happened to me," Bristol says in the self-filmed video of the recent incident. "I've been pulled over by police officers and I'm going to pray my way out of this." Though no praying would appear to take place in the video, a quick but solid rendition of Joe Cocker's "You Are So Beautiful" most certainly does.

After Bristol shared the video on Facebook, the Orange County Sheriff's Department confirmed the encounter in a post of their own: "A high note for two deputies! When Corporal Ricks and Deputy Hoagland pulled over a motorist and gospel singer on Sunday for not wearing a seat belt, they got a sincere promise to buckle up and a serenade."

One of the officers, whose husband (also a cop) was killed in the line of duty five years ago, described the impromptu performance to FOX 5 as "therapeutic." If his Facebook is any indication, it would appear that T.J. Bristol has been asked to burst into some Joe Cocker a few more times since his video started making waves:

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