Hamburg's Golden Pudel Might Be World's Best Club

...and you'd never know it.

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Standing outside of this fisherman's hut, you'd probably never think that it's home to one of the most amazing club experiences you could ask for. Golden Pudel, located in the German city of Hamburg, is a surprising treasure considering its external appearance. Originally a prison for petty crooks, it originated as a punk club in 1989 and has remained simple over the years: one dance floor, one bar, a small DJ booth with two turntables and an CBGB-esque bathroom. The wood-panelled walls are adorned with grafitti and old flyers, a creative touch for all nostaligia lovers. 

The club embraces an "anything goes" policy when it comes to music. "That's the punk thing," Golden Pudel crew member Kris Jacob told Resident Advisor. "You can do what you want." It's also a community staple, drawing everyone from ragers in search of a night they won't remember or artists seeking a drink and good conversation. 

Another integral part of the club's success has been its ability to evolve over its 24 years of existence. You can be aware of what's going on without being a trend whore, and the owners have been able to stay on top of musical changes and shifts without being slaves to them. Eventually, Golden Pudel's reputation attracted established artists, so when James Blake showed up, it was because the word of its awesomeness had gotten around.

If you're ever in Hamburg, you owe it to yourself to visit.

[via Resident Advisor]

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