What Happens When You Slide a Blank DVD Into This Mysterious Slot

Outside the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens

As a part of an ongoing art showcase at the Museum of Moving Image, anyone can bring a blank DVD to the museum's exterior wall and take home an entire digital art exhibition.

The project called "DVD Dead Drop," by Berlin-based artist Aram Bartholl, is a part of a global series that started in New York City. Anyone can contribute to the "Dead Drops" network by cementing USB drives into the wall or taping USB drives to public telephone booths (like this one in Union Square subway station). Individuals are invited to drop files and download files, left by other people. It's a complete surprise what you'll get.

Bartholl's project promotes open and free peer-to-peer file-sharing. For instructions on how to make your own or to consult a global map of "Dead Drop" locations, look here.

[via Collabcubed]

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