Most Irresponsible Babysitter Puts Baby in Bed of Pickup, then Drives (Video)

On the busy streets of Daytona Beach...

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This right here brings a whole new meaning to adventures in babysitting.

Keyona Davis of Volusia County Florida was babysitting for a friend and thought it’d be a good idea to put the baby in the stroller and then put it in the bed of a pickup truck with her while a man drove them around some of Daytona Beach’s busiest streets. Davis was arrested and charged with child neglect on Wednesday, but did not see anything wrong with her actions when she stood before a judge on Thursday, referencing the blurred lines on what exactly constitutes as neglect. When it doubt, “no” is probably the safest answer.

The man driving the truck was cited for careless driving, and there’s still no statement from the parents. Davis was released and ordered to stay away from the child, while her babysitting career hangs in the balance. You can read more here.

[via Gawker]

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