The Drake Superfan

"Drake raised me."

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Think about your favorite artist for a moment. Think of the music they've given you, the concerts you've attended, the interviews you've watched, the arguments you've endured on their behalf. How much of a fan are you, really? How far would you go? 

Connor Cirillo asked himself that question for years before taking the plunge. The Rhode Island techie first encountered Drake in 2011, and the following years saw Connor's fandom grow into something of a fixation. An all-night drive to Coachella, a trove of memorabilia, and Halloween costumes all followed, but by the time we caught up with Connor, he was ready to make it permanent.

His first tattoo was going to be Drake-themed, but a large question loomed: Drake's face, or the OVO owl? "When I think in my head of what this tattoo should be, it's the face," he said. "But if you mess up a face, it's a lot more noticeable than messing up an owl." True. Watch how it played out above. 
