Awkwardness Ensues When Drake and Rihanna End Up at a Kid's Birthday Party Together

First question: Why do people go to kids' birthday parties at all?

Being invited to a kid's birthday party is one of the worst things that could possibly happen to an adult. As if being surrounded by children and a dearth of party substances wasn't enough, apparently kids' birthday parties are also a likely place to bump into a former alleged ex:

Drake and Rihanna were spotted at a kid's party in Los Angeles over the weekend, according toE! News. Judging by some since-deleted (but predictably ripped) Snapchat footage of the birthday get-together, Drake and Rihanna reacted to each other's presence in the exact same way that you or I might react if placed in a similar situation: They kinda just ignored each other.

In the footage, Rihanna is seen interacting with the children. Drake, at one point, is filmed appearing to attempt a jacket zip-up on a jacket that has already been completely zipped up. So, you know, they were both doing the same stuff anyone would be doing when trapped at a child's birthday party with an alleged ex. The key is to remain as busy and engaged with literally anyone or anything else, thus ensuring neither of you has to acknowledge the other at all.

Tragically, Drake and Rihanna—who have battled dating rumors since as far back as 2009—reportedly split up in October 2016 after a few months of headlines and started seeing other people. According toE! News, this most recent split may not be final. "Anything can change between them though, for better or worse," some sort of "source" told E! after last year's breakup. 

The real lesson here is that you should never, ever, ever accept an invitation to a kid's birthday party.

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