Bernie Sanders Wins Wyoming Caucus

Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming caucus.

Image via Phil Roeder

After winning a bunch of West Coast states, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has now won the Wyoming caucus. Although his lead wasn't that huge, the Vermont senator won with 56 percent of the votes.

Wyoming only has 14 delegates, but the win still does help Sanders bridge the gap with Hillary Clinton, who has a 219-delegate lead. Clinton didn't do much campaigning in the state though, instead focusing her efforts on New York and Pennsylvania, states with tons of delegates that have primaries later this month. Clinton was also a New York senator, which certainly works to her advantage.

Sanders, on the other hand, recently won primaries in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Wisconsin. As we've seen so far, he's typically done well in states with large white populations. While these are huge victories, the biggest indication of how the election will go will happen later this month. 

Sanders spoke of his victory from Wyoming, following a rally that took place this past Tuesday in the city of Laramie. "I believe we have an excellent chance to win New York and a lot of delegates in that state. We have an excellent chance to win in Oregon, and to win in California."

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