Bernie Sanders Is Way Behind, But Says Staying In the Race Is Good For Democracy

Bernie Sanders is running far behind Hillary Clinton in delegates, but he refuses to end his campaign yet.

Image via ABC

Things are not looking bright for the Bernie Sanderscampaign after losing the New York primary last week. A Slate analysis based on Associated Press delegate counts shows Hillary Clinton is 81 percent of the way to securing the 2,383 delegates needed to become the Democratic nominee, while Sanders is only  50 percent of the way there. Meanwhile, Sanders is polling behind Clinton in the remaining races leading up to the Democratic National Convention in Philly. As that analysis puts it, "Bernie, it's over."

Sanders, however, is refusing to give up the fight anytime soon, he says. Speaking withABC News this morning, the candidate says he's going to push all the way until the California primary on June 7, and there are still more than 20 states and territories that will vote between now and then. 

"We intend to take the fight all the way to California so people throughout this country have a right to determine who they want as president and what kind of agenda they want for the Democratic Party," Sanders said to host George Stephanopoulos on This Week. "This is good for democracy. It's good for the Democratic Party."

He also was quick to answer when Stephanopoulos asked if he'd support Hillary the way that Hillary supported Barack Obama when she dropped out of the race for the nomination in 2008.

"Well that is totally dependent on what the Clinton platform is and how she responds to the needs of millions of Americans who are sick and tired of establishment politics and establishment economics. I can't snap my finger and tell people what to do, but what I will do is do everything I can to make sure that somebody like a Donald Trump or some other right wing Republican does not become president of the United States. We do not need more tax breaks for billion. more cuts to social security ... Republicans don't even accept the reality of climate change, let alone being prepared to do something about."

Moving forward, the next primaries are set to take place on Tuesday, April 26. That's when Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Deleware, Maryland and Rhode Island will vote.

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