Want to change your life in 2016? Do these 9 things

Tiny adjustments can lead to a big upgrade in happiness.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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When it comes to making changes at the top of the year, you can set yourself up to fail—or you finally stop being a total asshole to yourself.

This is a 9-step process to feeling good. Forget all those productivity posts that serve to remind you that other people are (apparently?) machines who have no other responsibilities except to “life hack” their way to success! riches! joy! Those people are eye-roll-inducing and you need none of that bullshit when you’re trying to live in your actual life and make it better, one step at a time. The average person is not aspiring to be Elon Musk, so let’s all stop deifying this sort of robotic attitude toward our lives. You have shit to do and you want to make some changes.

Here’s a good guide to start with.

1. Do a thorough, exhaustive, and honest review of 2015.

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In order to make true changes, you must start where you are. And, in order to know where you are, you need to take a pause to do an analysis of your present circumstances. This is how you push the reset button, by emptying out the past year (or more) and seeing, truthfully, where you are. You’ll do a review and realize you’re not as far off from where you want to be, that all you need to do are make a few minor adjustments. Click here for a PDF you can print to do your own review of 2015. Sure, it’s not January 1, but you can start today. It’s never too late to stop beating yourself up for what you haven’t done yet. You’re not falling behind. This is your life. You can change it today, this hour, this minute.

2. Forgive yourself for every time you disappointed yourself in 2015 (and 2014, 2013, 2012...).

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Whether you did the review of 2015 or not, the first step towards change is to forgive yourself for what you think you did “wrong” in the past. Trying to rectify your life from a place of shame or frustration is hardly the best mindset to be in for lasting success. When make life changes as a way to outrun your own disappointment in yourself, you’re already holding the change up to an impossible standard. Forgive yourself completely. And then, start at the beginning.

3. Separate what you think you should want from what you really, deeply desire.

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4. Do a realistic analysis of your priorities and your energy supply.

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Here’s the thing about making changes: there are the imagined hurdles that we make up in our mind to keep us from success: rejection, failure, or any of the fears we have attached to our truest desires. Then, there are realistic hurdles, such as financial resources, time, and energy.

Each person has a finite amount of literal time—hours in the day, days in the week—and, as important, a finite amount of creative or emotional energy. Theoretically, could you write your book after your demanding full-time job? Yes, but you have to be brutally realistic about how you truly feel at 6p.m. when you’re home from work. The biggest blind spot to change is that we all overestimate our time and energy resources.

So, be realistic about when you can add or subtract certain things from your life. Once you’re aware of your time, energy, and priorities, you can start to add small, incremental goals and habits into your life.

5. Develop a right-when-you-wake-up routine that is both lean and personalized to your specifications.

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Did you know that making your bed once you wake up is one of the most productive things you can do? It signals to your brain that you’re in an action mindset and gives you the first feeling of accomplishment for the day. The best way to start your day positively is to follow a routine you’ve developed yourself.

There are tons of articles out there detailing like 100 steps you should take in the morning, but I think that’s all bullshit. You don’t need to be drinking bone broth (ew) or taking 68.5 degree showers to put you into a positive state of mind for the day. But, I do think there’s a ton of value in developing a routine that works for you, no matter how big or small it is. Even if it’s waking up, making the bed, and sitting on the floor for one minute to breathe before scrolling Twitter and Instagram. A right-when-you-wake-up routine doesn’t need to be 20-steps-long to be effective. It just needs to keep you mindful, present, and aware that you’re taking care of yourself and putting your own needs at the forefront of the day.

6. Identify the 1-3 things that would drastically alter your life if you did them consistently.

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7. Write a list of everything that scares you and distracts you from doing what you want most.

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8. Identify what you will do when you run into any of the hurdles you listed above.

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9. Abolish perfectionism and control.

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